Defense Verdict Reached in Case Tried By Paul A. Miller
On March 19, 2024, Paul A. Miller received a successful defense verdict in a case tried by Judge Marshell J. Hatcher in Jefferson County. Plaintiff Kailee Maciulla claimed to have suffered injuries from an accident occurring on Sanders Road in Hoover, Alabama. Plaintiff brought claims of negligence and wantonness against Defendant Michael Arrington for alleged injuries suffered. The attorneys agreed prior to trial to dismiss the claim of wantonness, with only the claim of negligence to be submitted to the jury.
On February 9, 2020 Michael Arrington was traveling around a blind curve on Sanders Road while Kailee Maciulla was stopped on the road, resulting in the accident. Paul Miller defended the case on the basis that the Defendant did not operate his vehicle in a negligent manner and that Plaintiff was contributorily negligent in being stopped in the road, barring any recovery for damages from her injuries.
Plaintiffs asked the jury to return a verdict for $100,000. The jury deliberated for fifteen minutes, returning a defense verdict in favor of Michael Arrington.